Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jewels of Bohemia Day 11

Day 11     Friday, September 5

After breakfast, we departed Bratislava and began our journey to Budapest, Hungary. En route, we stopped at the Roman city of Carnuntum, which began as a Roman army camp along the Danube River in what is now Austria. At its peak, some 50,000 people lived here, and after 1,700 years Carnuntum's ancient glory is currently being recreated from the site's extensive ruins.


Crossing into northwestern Hungary, we stopped for an included lunch of goulash soup in Gyor, an ancient city situated at the confluence of the Danube, Rába and Rábca rivers. We also took a stroll to admire the Baroque and Neo-Classical structures in Gyor's pedestrian-only historic core before continuing to Budapest.  Two different couples were having wedding pictures taken there. 

Benedictine Church

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary. On the sight of a Romanesque church the present Baroque building dates from 1639-1645. The west facade and tower were built in 1802-1823.
Cathedral of the Virgin Mary.  The ceiling frescos and main altar masterpieces were painted by Franz Anton Maulbertsch between 1772 and 1781.

We arrived in Budapest in late afternoon and had dinner at a Jewish restaurant, “Macesz Huszar.”

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