Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brian's Halloween Costume

As usual, I created a costume for Brian for the Alaska convention.  This year's theme was Superheroes.  Brian was Bane from the movie Dark Knight Rises.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Seattle Quilt - made for Christa's String of Pearls Quilt Along

I have the blocks made, but right now I've had to put it away to work on halloween costumes for my sons and daughter-in-law -- Bane and Catwoman.

I'm not sure how it got rotated, but the general effect is the same.  There are 36 blocks total.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


I finally found a way to keep the birds from eating all my blueberries.  Here's what I picked yesterday:

Monday, July 15, 2013

Medallion QAL

Here are the first two blocks in the Medallion QAL.  I need to make 16 blocks for the complete quilt top.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Yesterday I went with six other women from Gig Harbor on another kayak trip.  We left at 11:00 and went as far as Sea Cliff (on Colvos Passage).  We ate lunch there and then returned to the Randall Street boat launch a little after 3:00.  It was a beautiful day in the low 80s.  I have so much sunscreen on that I look like a ghost.

Rock Planter

We met with our landscaper, Chris, on Saturday and chose the stone for our new planter.  Today he and his assistant, Anthony, started work on it.  We didn't have enough stone, so we'll have to go back for more.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Medallion Quilt Along

This week I'm starting the Medallion Quilt Along.  I'm starting this quilt along because I'm hoping to learn some new techniques, namely cutting and sewing curves.  I've only made one quilt with curves before and it had large curves which were, presumably, easier to sew.


Saturday, June 29, 2013

String of Pearls QAL

Christa's Quilt Along
I'm now participating in this quilt-along.  The quilt is called String of Pearls, but I'm using my own fabric:  a Settle print.

Quilts for Grandsons

This quilt is for the new baby, Cole, who's scheduled to be born August 2.    It's blues and greens with a little coral.  The fabric group is "Backyard Baby".

The quilt to the right and below is for Noah.  It's a simple block quilt set on point.  It's 
made with Japanese children's prints.  Ellie had to get in the picture too.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Glass Garden Art

My sister Nancy got me interested in glass garden art using clear dishes. This is what I've collected so far. I'm planning to tint some of the pieces and make glass flowers. I need more plates and toothpick holders so I can make about 5.

Tula Pink Modern Quilt

I may join this modern block quilt-along. The problem is that you need to have the book. I don't want to buy it. The library has it on order and I'm third on the list to get it -- when it comes in. I may be so far behind at that point, that I won't want to participate. They make 3 blocks per week so I'm already getting behind. We'll see.
Sew Sweetness

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Our yard is full of hummingbirds this spring.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Vashion Island Quilt Shop

I'm going to have to take the ferry to Vashon someday and visit this quilt shop. It looks fabulous!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Quilts of Valor are now finished. I'll be sending them to Beth in San Diego to present them to two servicemen or women who have been in combat.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013